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Church Leadership
Welcome to a church going to the ends of the earth birthing a ministry that will spark the end time revival raising world class leaders and changing lives. A pioneering spirit is attributed to a dynamic Senior Pastor and supporting team. You can find out more about the men and women God has placed at the helm of here.
Senior Pastor
Dr. Chibuzor Ezekiel
Reverend Chibuzor Ezekiel is a preacher and teacher of the word with healings and miracles following. He is an MBA professional, widely travelled and a mentor to many people all over the world. He takes joy in seeing every area of people’s lives transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit. He is committed to teaching the word of God to produce a lasting change in people’s lives.

Reverend Evelyn Ezekiel is a Pharmacist, Life Coach Project Manager and Creative Arts Director or Creative Space at JFFI. Reverend Evelyn has a passion for helping people discover, develop and gain mastery of their gifts and potentials.

Timothy Mulenga
Audrey Mulenga
Pastor Timothy has a Bachelors in Aircraft Engineering with Pilot Studies and Masters in Advanced Aerodynamics and Aerospace Engineering. HE is an entrepreneur is currently working in the computational fluid dynamics field. He has fulfilled several ministerial and leadership roles since 2013 and looks forward to continuing to develop his spiritual gifts and serving faithfully through JFFI.
Pastor Audrey has a Bachelor of Arts in Social Change. She is an entrepreneur and for the last 3 years she has been working in the Project Management sector and is currently working as a Delivery Lead for an industry leading IT company. She has a passion for the Kingdom of God and is excited to keep serving God’s people.
Rebecca Mondo
Assistant Pastors
Osamudiamen Egheomwanre
Assistant Pastor Lebeka has significant experience in the media sector after having studied the course in college and pursing it at a degree level. She has used her profound knowledge to build upon and develop the media ministry of JFFI. She is eager to continue being used by God and being a benefit to the Kingdom.
Assistant Pastor Osamudiamen is a firm believer of the mandate as commanded by the great commission as this is what drives his heart for ministry. He has heightened himself academically being well-educated with a Master's degree in Project Management, with plans for furthering his education. He looks forward to continuing to serve faithfully and being a broken vessel to be used by God.
Nathalie Coutama
Minister Nathalie is well educated with Diplomas in Admin and Clerical, Travel and Tourism as well as Marketing Services. She has faithfully and diligently served in JFFI since 2017 and is dedicated to continuing her walk with God, building his Kingdom and being used by God.
Okoro Uche Mba
Minister Okoro is a man with a heart of service, an orientation that has endeared him as a Kingdom Ambassador. His love for the gospel of Jesus has since led to the strategic use of diverse genre of music as a tool for evangelism, a feat that accounts for his music ministry journey of over two decades.
Florence Ogunyale
Minister Florence is a lover of God and she is enthusiastic about the work of God. Minister Florence is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.
Oluwatoyin Jaiyeola
Minister Oluwatoyin has been born again for upward of 20 years. She is an engineer by training. She has held several Christian posts and has built herself spiritually which has helped in shaping her views and progress in the Lord.
Femi Musa
Minister Musa has developed a passion for follow up of new converts and is dedicated to kingdom advancement through active involvement in outreach. Minister Femi studied Business Administration at at undergraduate level and has a Masters in Public Administration.
Dave Adebisi
Minister Dave passion for the things of God is summed up in "all you have is given to make humanity a better place", he uses this tool to lead people to Christ in with his creative ability. Minister Dave has a background as a software engineer for over 20 years, a user experience research with over 5 years experience, He specialises in complex web application design, copy righting, concept development, advertising and graphics design.
Gloria Musa
Minister Musa is a lover of God who has a genuine interest in promoting God's kingdom. Minister Musa has the calling of an intercessor and a passion for standing in the place of prayer for kingdom advancement and working on the harvest field winning souls through outreach. She has a Masters degree in Human Resources management.
Osarobo Aibangbee
Minister Osarobo is a multi faceted music professional with extensive expertise in various domain of the music ministry. He is a seasoned music producer, concert producer, recording engineer, audio engineer, music director, minstrel and professional pianist he has cultivated a rich and diverse skillset. He has a Masters in Business Administration.

Jesus Foundation Family is a multi-channel mega church with interconnected branches where people from all nations come together to worship God.
Our mission is reaching out to the nations by practically demonstrating the love of Christ, setting the captives free by the power of the Holy Spirit and effective prayers; and changing lives and raising champions through the word of God.
Bible Study: 6:30pm – 8:00pm
School of Ministry: 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Workers Empowerment program: 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Services: Bible Academy:
10am – 10:30am
1st Service: 10:30am – 12:00pm
2nd Service: 12:30pm – 1:45pm
Monday – Sunday:
Rekindling the fire hour:
5:30am – 6:30am
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